"Transforming Resilience :Harnessing Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine Learning (ML) for Sustainable Solutions to combat Climate Change and Environmental Challenges"- The objective of ICICT is to support and stimulate active productive research which could strengthen the technical foundations of engineers and scientists in the continent, develop strong technical foundations and skills and lead to new small to medium enterprises within the African sub-continent. We also seek to encourage the emergence of functionally skilled technocrats within the continent. We invite research papers, workshop proposals, and panel proposals on the topics listed. The list is not exhaustive. Tutorials and Sessions that will impact on and enhance Postgraduate research within the continent will be considered. Training Workshops on research software tools such as Matlab, Scilab, Althium, Qiskit, Genesys, COMSOL Multiphysics and others are welcome.
The conference brings together researchers, scholars, innovators and entrepreneurs from universities and industry to showcase research and innovations. This is an opportunity for researchers, academics, innovators, scientists, practitioners to discuss contemporary developments related to ICTs. This conference will also provide an opportunity for students to publish their research works.
Inspiring insights from speaks on the latest trends in ICTs and government policy
Network with fellow scholars, researchers, students, and industry practitioners
Meet new people in your discipline, forge bonds and see them grow
In a time where the Covid-19 has prohibited interactions especially in the last 2 years, get an opportunity to have fun!
University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia
+260 (09x)xxxxxxx