Honorary Committee

Honorary Committee

  • Professor Johnson I Agbinya, Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
  • National Coordinator – The SMART Zambia Institute, Zambia
  • Vice Chancellor – University of Zambia, Zambia
  • President – The Information and Communications Technology Association of Zambia, Zambia
  • Professor Jemal Abwajy, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
  • Vice Chancellor – Copperbelt University, Zambia
  • Professor Ryszard Klempous; Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Vice Chancellor – ZCAS University, Zambia
  • Professor Atsushi Ito, Faculty of Economics, Chuo University, Tokyo
  • Vice Chancellor – Mulungushi University, Zambia
  • Karim Djouani, ESIE Paris and TUT, South Africa
  • Director – Zambia Information and Communications Technology Authority, Zambia
  • CEO – Zambia Research and Education Network (ZAMREN), Zambia
  • Professor Nagi F Mohammed, College of Engineering Technology, Houn, Libya
  • Vice Chancellor – Chalimbana University, Zambia
  • Professor Christian Walter Omlin, Department of ICT, University of Agder, Norway