Call For Sponsors


We are thrilled to extend an invitation to your esteemed organization to participate as a sponsor for the 6th International Conference in Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT), to be held in Livingstone, Zambia. This marks a significant milestone for our event and presents a unique opportunity for organizations seeking to expand their presence in this dynamic market, particularly in areas related to publishing and Higher Education Institutions.

With a primary audience consisting of professionals, scholars, and researchers from Higher Education Institutions worldwide and especially the African continent, ICICT 2024 provides an ideal platform for showcasing your organisation’s products, services, and initiatives to key decision-makers and influencers in the academic community.

Corporate sponsorship allows the conference registration fees to be kept as low as possible, especially for delegates from developing countries. Your generosity will also help us promote attendance and to offset the cost of events and services. Supporting the ICICT 2024 conference is a potentially effective way for your entity to reach a targeted audience and talents.

The amount donated will enable your entity to qualify for one of the following Sponsorship levels (in US dollars or equivalent):

Sponsorship Level

Sponsorship Amount

Main Sponsor Benefits


K 100, 000

  • Logo depicted on the front cover of the Conference program/Abstract Booklet
  • Mention in all conference literature as a Major sponsor
  • Logo displayed on the homepage of ICICT 2024 Web site
  • Exhibition shell/stand in the exhibition area
  • Complimentary conference registrations for representatives
  • Speaking opportunity during conference (15 minutes)
  • Short welcome note/speaking opportunity at the Gala dinner (5 minutes)
  • Opportunity to include leaflets/marketing materials in conference delegate packs
  • Backdrop


K 75, 000

  • Logo depicted in the Conference program/Abstract Booklet
  • Mention in all Conference literature as an Associated Sponsor
  • Logo displayed on ICICT 2024 Web site (large)
  • Two complimentary registrations for the main conference
  • Speaking opportunity during conference (10 minutes)
  • Opportunity to include leaflets/marketing materials in conference delegate packs
  • pop up banner


K 50, 000

  • Logo depicted in the Conference program/Abstract Booklet
  • Acknowledgment of your sponsorship in all Conference literature
  • Exhibition shell / stand in the exhibition area
  • One free complimentary conference registration for a representative
  • Speaking opportunity during conference (10 minutes)
  • Opportunity to include leaflets/marketing materials in conference delegate packs


K30, 000

  • Acknowledgment of your sponsorship in the Conference program/Abstract Booklet
  • Acknowledgment of your sponsorship in all Conference literature
  • Logo displayed on ICICT 2024 Web site (small)
  • Exhibition shell/stand in exhibition area
  • Opportunity to include leaflets/marketing materials in conference delegate packs

In addition, all Corporate Sponsors enjoy:

  • Your logo and URL on the ICICT 2024 Web site
  • Access to students and delegates for potential employment and business opportunities

If you are interested to become a sponsor for ICICT 2024 in any of these capacities or in other ways, please contact the conference organisers.

We look forward to seeing you in soon!

ICICT 2024 Local Conference Organising Committee